We've been at this for 1 year now!
We did a soft launch of the website in May 2019 and then officially launched all programs September 2019. I am extremely grateful to everyone who has supported Capax Fitness - ESPECIALLY OUR MEMBERS!
Capax Fitness is dedicated to enhancing capabilities in all aspects of life through fitness. More specifically (and personally), I wanted to create a platform that would help people achieve a balanced lifestyle, better relationships, improve job performance... basically improve their overall well-being by taking that first step of focusing on physical health and habits. If you can make this a habit, the rest will follow.
To celebrate the first year of working toward this vision, I wanted to highlight a few members that demonstrate it very well. Each have very different circumstances but came here with a common goal - to improve their physical health and capabilities. The following are their personal testimonies.
Member since May 2019
Previous Plans: 4 week coaching
Current Plan: Annual Premium

"Capax Fitness helped me take my training to the next level... I would not be in the place I am today had I not joined."
"I met Angie several years ago when she was teaching group fitness in my local gym. When she went her own way to start Capax Fitness - no question about it - I was in!
When I started, I didn't know what to expect. Angie not only made me feel comfortable in something I had never done before, she helped me take my training to the next level. I was in the process of training for a marathon. While training I pushed myself too hard and ended up getting injured. Once I was able to start running again, I made sure to mix my runs with her training. The doctors and physical therapists told me I wouldn't be able to finish the marathon without getting injured again. With Angie's help and encouragement I was absolutely able to do that and exceeded my expectations in the process. Not only did I finish the marathon with her help, but she helped me get my eating on point and I was able to gain muscle in the process.

I would not be in the place I am today had I not joined her program. I am now able to move forward with new goals and confidence. Last year my goals were to finish this race and finish that race... I got caught up in just my fitness and forgot that there is another side I was ignoring. Now, I want to have fitness goals but I also want to have more personal development goals as well. It's something I was lacking. I started reading a Capax Fitness recommended book and began having more conversations with my husband. I realized I have a lot of work to do! I don't feel I would have come to this realization without the reminders to work on my personal development. There are things in life that either build you up or tear you down. Capax Fitness is a program that builds me up."
Member since May 2019
Previous Plans: 8 week coaching
Current Plan: Annual Premium

"I've learned to listen to my body. I'm stronger than I thought I ever could be."
"Since I started using Capax Fitness, I've been able to break down walls that have been keeping me from reaching my goals. I've learned to eat to fuel my body, and that it's okay to have that slice of pizza occasionally - it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. I've learned to listen to my body. I'm stronger than I thought I ever could be."

Member since June 2019
Previous Plans: 8 week coaching
Current Plan: Annual Premium

"I get so much motivation from people saying that they saw me doing workouts and it inspired them to begin a healthier lifestyle as well."
"I am very proud to be able to show that fitness can be accomplished, wherever you are able to start. I struggled a good bit the first month or two, but after that it just became a habit - consistency developed. It was no longer hard to get to the gym. It felt weird if I didn't go!
I've made friends along the way and it has been a positive journey! One of the best things, for me, has been the messages that I've received saying that my social media (workout) posts helped inspire someone to begin their own fitness journey! I get so much motivation from people saying that they saw me doing workouts and it inspired them to begin a healthier lifestyle as well.
I've also noticed my mood improves greatly when I workout. It has been a great way to improve my performance at work - I've learned that mood/attitude can make a big difference in the workplace.

And another bonus is the respect I get at the gym - especially from the guys! I'm not there to look pretty. I'm there to work... and work hard. "
Member since August 2019
Previous Plan: 1 Week Free Trial
Current Plan: 12 week coaching

"I have lost a little over 50 lbs and feel so much more comfortable and confident than I have in the past."
"I have been working with Angie for about a year now and have loved the results.
Early last year my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and my weight loss journey was put on hold. After he passed in June of last year I started to realize that during his battle of cancer my health had also declined greatly. I had gained more weight than I was aware of and was at the heaviest I had ever been.
I started following Angie after a friend started her workout program. I then joined her free week as I was interested in getting back to exercising (previously fell in love with Crossfit, but due to injuries and time constraints with my dad’s condition had to stop).
We got to messaging as I wasn’t able to physically do the exercises she was posting anymore. I had gained too much weight and been physically inactive for so long.
We met to discuss if she thought she would be able to help me overall. I left my initial meeting with her feeling extremely positive and, for once, feeling like I had a support system (outside of my friends) that could help me achieve my goal of becoming healthier and getting down to a weight where I could live a better life. This has always been a struggle of mine and my parents. I owed it to myself and my dad to finally see it through.
Angie has helped change my perspective on a lot of things regarding exercise and eating. The most important being that my mental health is the most important thing to nurture and take care of or the other pieces fall apart.
This past year has been full of ups and downs and firsts without my dad. Angie has helped me navigate those difficult times to help me thrive and continue working on eating healthier and establishing more consistent workout habits.

I have gotten back to riding my bike (something my dad and I always did together) as well as just focusing on small workouts that won’t burn me out so I can continue. Angie has also been great at teaching me to listen to my body and not to push it or else I risk hurting myself more.
I have lost a little over 50 lbs. and feel so much more comfortable and confident than I have in the past. And I finally I feel like my weight loss and health goals are achievable."
I want to thank everyone who has joined our #fitfam or even just stopped by for a visit this past year! Thank you for being here! It is just the beginning! Please stick around for another year to see what else we have in store.